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A mere decade ago, Cynic was somewhat of a password between fans of extreme metal – a secret handshake that itched at a curious footnote...
Ola Englund is living the dream. The gear-demoing guru and ferociously accurate riff machine from Swedish bands Feared and The Haunted is an incredible example of a...
As those of you into the metal scene are probably aware, all the rage about Born Of Osiris’s new album turned their March release into...
[Ola’s signature Washburn Solar guitar is tuned down one step to D Standard: D G C F A D.] Mass Destruction Solo Ola kicks off the solo to...
Very often, "less is more" is a good policy to adopt when playing jazz. Overplaying usually gets both players and listeners pissed off because you're...
An open-ended letter to a friend on the topic of Social Networking versus Business Networking in the music industry [Editor’s Note: The views expressed are...