Haunted Shores by Haunted Shores
In anticipation of the release of their full-length debut, Washington, DC-based Haunted Shores has released their latest song ‘Terra Firma,’ a re-working of the song ‘Oslo’ featuring vocals by Mike Semesky of Vestascension and Rest Among Ruins. ‘Terra Firma’ is available to stream and download from their official SoundCloud, embedded above.
Stay tuned for the first part of Guitar Messenger’s Masterclass with Haunted Shores’ Mark Holcomb, arriving later this week. Each half of the masterclass will include an exclusive new track for fans to download, along with tabs and performance notes for the examples in the Masterclass. A trailer for the Masterlcass series can be viewed above.
Paul Gilbert is best known for his work in the greatly successful band Mr. Big. However, Gilbert is also one of the leading guitar virtuosos...
PART 2 (continued from PART 1…) I want to talk a little bit about your recording and production process. Your productions consistently feature some of the...
As those of you into the metal scene are probably aware, all the rage about Born Of Osiris’s new album turned their March release into...
Now, I know that since this is a recording column, naturally everyone wants to know what gear is good and what they should buy and...
If you’re a member of a band, set ground rules early in your relationship to prevent legal and financial problems down the road. Being a...
Welcome to Guitar Messenger! I’m Nick from the band Ever Forthright. Today we’re going to use excerpts from two of our recent songs, ‘The Counter...