Guitar Messenger will soon be releasing their first ever instructional DVD featuring Per Nilsson of Scar Symmetry. The 2-hour program will cover Per’s approaches to scales, chords, tapping, sweeping, phrasing, articulation, song play-throughs and discussions, interviews, and much more. Everything Per performs on the DVD has been transcribed with meticulous detail in the accompanying tab booklet. Stay tuned and check out the first two teasers below:
Teaser 2
Teaser 1


The past five years of Misha Mansoor’s career with progressive metal pioneers Periphery have been filled with exciting landmarks: tours with legendary bands like Dream Theater and Deftones,...

As those of you into the metal scene are probably aware, all the rage about Born Of Osiris’s new album turned their March release into...

Michael Keene is the mastermind behind California’s progressive death metal band, The Faceless. They first broke onto the worldwide stage with the 2006 debut release...

[Ryan’s Ibanez FR custom shop guitar is tuned down 2 whole steps to C Standard: C F Bb Eb G C] Ryan credits some of...

I remember it perfectly. It was 19 weeks ago that I arrived in Manhattan, guitar in hand, frantically looking for Chelsea Studios. Chelsea is one...

[Pierre’s guitar is tuned to D A D G A D, low to high, for all examples in this Masterclass.] Chords in Alternate Tunings If you play...