Watch Bobby Thompson and Ravi Bhadriraju of Job For A Cowboy demonstrate their death metal riffing techniques in this brutal showcase.
[flashvideo file=”” width=370 height=350 playlist=bottom playlistsize=54 /] |


An acclaimed musician in today’s jazz, hip-hop, and funk circuits, Eric Krasno is best known as the guitarist and co-founder of the soul-funk powerhouse Soulive....

The past five years of Misha Mansoor’s career with progressive metal pioneers Periphery have been filled with exciting landmarks: tours with legendary bands like Dream Theater and Deftones,...

It would be difficult to overstate Periphery’s impact on modern metal, and guitarist Jake Bowen’s contributions as a composer and riffmaster have been an...

[Ryan’s Ibanez FR custom shop guitar is tuned down 2 whole steps to C Standard: C F Bb Eb G C] In this masterclass, Ryan...

We Bow In Its Aura Riff 1 [Marc’s guitar is tuned to Drop-B for all examples in this Masterclass: B F# B E G# C#]...
If you’re a member of a band, set ground rules early in your relationship to prevent legal and financial problems down the road. Being a...