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Since their influential debut album release in 2010, Periphery have morphed from a fledgling young group with an eclectic blend of styles into a modern...
Known for his explosive, harmonically-laden guitar fireworks, solo artist and All Shall Perish axe-slinger Francesco Artusato has fired off a new chapter with his supergroup,...
Since their inception in 2004, Chicago’s Veil Of Maya have established themselves as one of the premier bands in today’s modern metal scene. With the...
[Ryan’s Ibanez FR custom shop guitar is tuned down 2 whole steps to C Standard: C F Bb Eb G C] In this masterclass, Ryan...
[Fredrik’s Paul Reed Smith Signature Model guitar is in Standard Tuning: E A D G B E] String-Skipping / Tapping Lick This lick utilizes both...
For many guys that want to tap better, they do not have the hand strength or built up dexterity to hammer onto the fretboard hard...